how to know if your tarantula is male or female?

Tarantulas are spider-like species but are relatively bigger in size. They are usually found in the jungles and some species are supposed to have deadly venoms. They could also come in different color and varieties. The question now is how to determine if your tarantula sex is female or male?

The video will simple explain how to identify if your tarantula pet is male or female.

The next came into our mind is how to tarantula are doing sex. After a male tarantula mature they spin a little hammock of silk called sperm web and deposit a drop of sperm from their genital aperture onto it. They then dip the emblus into drop of sperm and it up into the bulb for later use. Tarantulas mate face to face, the male reaches under the female and inserts the embolus into the female's genital aperture. Many male tarantulas have only several months to live after they have matured, whereas female can live up to years.


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